Our Vision
Empower Students to Access, Matriculate and Graduate from Higher Education with Meaningful Full-Time Employment

Abraham Gomez
College Navigator
Nevada Treasurers Office

Adam Johnson
Executive Director
PeacePlayers International
Alberto Quintero
Education Programs Professional, Office for Parental Involvement and Family Engagement
Nevada Department of Education

Alyse Sobosan
Director of College Access
Equipo Academy

Brianna Vaught
Postsecondary & Alumni Program Manager
Leaders in Training

Celinda Dominguez
Social Worker
Core Academy

Cristal James
Marketing & Engagement Director
Nevada State High School

Dr. Cheryl Brewster
Senior Executive Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Roseman University of Health Sciences

Erica Mosca
Founder and Executive Director
Leaders in Training

Herbie Walker
Director of School Climate & College Counseling
Faith Lutheran Middle School & High School

Isabel Gwara
Curriculum Lead
The AI Education Project

Jacob Murdock
Executive Director
Nevada Chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation

Makayla Hines
Nevada Prep Charter School

Mayra Moore
Senior Financial Aid Counselor
Nevada State College

Miriam Gomez
College Student
Nevada State College

Raymond Gonzalez
Equipo Academy